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Doing Business Guide in the Baltics.
It makes us proud to announce that Gencs Valters Law Firm, a full service law firm in Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, has crossed another milestone. On March 9th, 2015 our firm celebrated 15 Year...
Structure Personal income tax is imposed on income acquired by a natural person, and it consists of: income from employment; business income (self-employed income); gains from transfer of...
Structure Personal income tax is imposed on income acquired by a natural person, and it consists of: salary tax calculated from the income acquired by the employee and is paid by the employer; fixed...
Structure Personal income tax is imposed on income acquired by a natural person, and it includes: income from employment; business income (self-employed income); gains from transfer of...
Latvia has one of the most attractive shipping taxation regimes in the EU. If the usual company has income it must...
Lithuania has included 58 countries to a list of low or no tax states. Transactions with these countries have special regulations and are subject to particular taxes applicable for individuals and...
(Updated 20.04.2016) Latvia has listed 62 countries on a list of low or no tax states. Transactions with these countries have special regulations and are subject to particular taxes applicable for...
Few Corporate income tax amendments applicable for 2014 income is a good sign, indicating stability in Lithuanian corporate tax system. Besides that, most of law changes are business...
Estonia has listed 55 countries that are on so-called black list because of their tax policy. The aim of this list to proof that the person who is involved in business is not located at low tax rate...
Beginning of new financial year is a need to review legal requirements applicable to taxation of 2014 year’s income. There were several substantial amendments of Personal income tax law in...
According to the amendments made to the Income Tax Act, which became in force from the 1st of January 2015, all companies and permanent establishments located in Estonia...
Option plans are good ways to reward employees for successful year or to bind them for the company. In Estonia option plans are taxed as fringe benefits. Fringe benefits are benefits received from the employer for...
From January 1. 2015 EU will change the application of VAT rules in intra-community trades. The new rule will change current situation where...
Taxable entities Taxable entities are individuals, legal entities and non-residents that own or have rights to Latvian real estate, including land. Tax rates Starting from January 1, 2014 the real estate tax rate is 0,2-3% from the...
In September Estonian Foreign Minister Mr Urmas Paet signed convention between the Republic of Estonia and the Kingdom of Morocco for the avoidance of double...
The law which determines the rules of payment of this tax is the Law on Real Estate Tax of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – the Law). According to the provisions of the Law, Lithuanian and foreign natural persons as...
Expatriates are liable for Latvian taxes depending on their tax residency. Latvian residents are taxable for their worldwide income. Non-Latvian residents are liable for their income derived in Latvia. Pursuant to the domestic...
The Law on Value Added Tax of the Republic of Lithuania is the main legal act regulating calculation, payment and declaration of value added tax. Currently in Lithuania value-added tax (VAT) rate is 21%. It shall be...
Estonian legislation defines Social (Security) Tax as financial obligation imposed on taxpayers in order to secure revenue for pension insurance and state health insurance. Social tax shall be paid on following: Wages and other remuneration...
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© Gencs Valters Law Firm, 2016
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Doing Business Guide in the Baltics.