Registration of employment in Estonia
Estonian Tax and Customs Board took on new government regulation. From 1st of July, Tax and Customs Board created an employment register. According to that, all legal and natural persons have to register themselves to Estonian Tax Office list. Employment register contains information about all the workers who are working in the territory of Estonia. Register compiles all the information in one place.
Who are using the Employment register?
- Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund
- Social Insurance Board
- Police and Boarder Guard Board
- Estonian Tax and Customs Board
- Employee
Who will register the work of the employee?
Both legal and natural persons have to be registered, also employers, self-employed persons, local government and Estonian resident or non-residence legal persons.
How can foreigner get Estonian social security number for register themselves as workers?
- Persons who stay in Estonia for limited period of time, can apply Estonian ID Code in the nearest local government office.
- Persons, who are unable to visit local government office in Estonia, can apply the ID code in the nearest Estonian Embassy.
When data needs to be registered to register?
Data need to be registered from the moment employee starts to work.
When the employment contract is terminated, the employer has 10 days to inform the register about the termination.
How to register?
Maria Sumberg, lawyer of the Gencs Valters Law Firm in Tallinn.
Practising in fields of Labour and Media Law .
T: +372 61 91 000
F: +372 61 91 007