Pan-Baltic Gencs Valters Law Firm held seminar with topics US - Latvia Tax Treaty, Avoidance of Double Taxation.
Pan-Baltic Gencs Valters Law Firm, with offices in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, held together with their partners from USA seminar How to do Business in the United States of America. Seminar has been held 19 September 2012 in Radisson Blu Ridzene Hotel, Riga.
Representatives of Frost Brown Todd LLC from Cincinnati, Ohio presented their views on entrepreneurship relations between US and Latvia. Attorney Joseph Dehner spoke about possibilities for Latvian companies to enter the highly-competitive US market via strategic alliances and attorney Susan Grogan Faller spoke about costs of litigation in US. Two lawyers practicing law for more than 70 years combined provided valuable information about every day reality of business in US.
Special guest participated through video conference. Deputy Executive Director of SelectUSA, Aaron Brickmann, spoke about important roles of this governmental institution. Foreign entities entering US market regardless of the mean (founding subsidiary company, branch, using agents or distributors) can rely on SelectUSA. Aaron Brickmann also expressed his happiness about this first live conference with one of the Baltic countries where, as he believes, is the future of ideas because of highly competitive markets and motivated companies.
Founder of Gencs Valters Law Firm, Valters Gencs, spoke about taxation aspects of business in the USA for Latvian companies based on bilateral tax treaty between USA and Latvia and informed audience about some of the important changes in taxation in 2013.
Audience consisted of high-ranked managers and members of boards of both international and domestic companies who were informed about enormous potential for foreign businesses that US presents.
Seminar presentations see here http://www.gencs.eu/news/view/598 and here http://www.gencs.eu/news/view/588